As a nurse, I never thought I would be working from home.
That I would be making as much money as I do without needing to burn myself out.
That I would know what work-life balance meant, let alone felt like.
That I would be able to eat when I want, take breaks when I want, and actually enjoy what I do every day.

Women looking at computer

I love watching the blank stares I get when someone asks me what hospital I work for or what floor I work on, and I get to tell them I work remote. Or when I tell them I am a Clinical Informatics Nurse who is a certified Epic Clinical Content Builder.

And then we go through all the what, how, and why questions.

This pursuit outside of the bedside didn't come without fear or failure. I spent 10 years trying to find my place in healthcare and never felt satisfied long enough to root myself in place. I felt betrayed by nursing. It was not what I was expecting. I wanted to care for people, but I was too busy doing the work of three people. I wanted to change lives, but I was too busy charting or doing administrative tasks.

I was unhappy, restless, and questioning my career choice. I needed to get out. I had to figure out what was holding me back and shatter it. Sometimes it was outside forces, but most of the time it was self-sabotaging.

I got the idea to start Shatter It when the pandemic started and the word "essential" started to become a label to describe people. Just what women need, another label to define them, to put them in a category, to measure their worth.

I changed my mindset. I decided to take the driver's seat and stop sitting on the passenger side, watching my dreams go by me.

I have inspired many of the women in my life to pursue their own career goals. I will be sharing my experiences with you, encouraging you to network, inspiring you to set out on your own journey, and empowering you to take back your control.

(Stay tuned for more personal coaching services in the future!)

The bottom line, the nursing field has changed. In general, the playing field has evolved for all women. It’s time for you to take advantage of it. You can do what I did and transform yourself and your career. You can’t help others if you don’t help yourself first. Find out what’s holding you back and let’s shatter it together!

Contact me for more info.